Valentine Tea: A Century-Old Tradition Returns

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News

Val tea 2014 PosterIf you’re from the area around the church or you had any connection to the United Church that used to be in Victoria Harbour then it’s likely you remember the Valentine Tea. 

If you have no idea what the Valentine Tea is all about, then let me just say, it’s something you have to experience…and you can do just that on Saturday, February 15 at the Oakwood Community Centre on 290 Park Street in Victoria Harbour—from 11:30am to 2:30pm. This is a UCW fundraiser: a free-will offering will be collected. Their hard work and dedication to this event is what makes it possible. 

See you there!



What’s Going On This Sunday? Epiphany!

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News

Experience Epiphany in two ways in ONE day! What is Epiphany, you may ask? Well, you’ll just have to come to Play and Worship on Sunday at Unity to find out.


Godly Play for Adults (although all ages are welcome) begins at 8:30a.m.: theme: “Epiphany”. I wonder what will happen? 

Our worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. We’ll be thinking about Epiphany and hearing about Matthew’s account of The Magi (a.k.a. The Wisemen). What makes that story important? What does it really say? 

We’ll also be saying a formal “Goodbye!” to 2013 and celebrating the hope that is in 2014 during our Extinguishing of the Advent Candles and the Re-lighting of the God/Christ/Sprit Candle. So c’mon out for a relaxed time of sharing and worship in a relaxed community of faith! See you Sunday!

Play Before Worship: Godly Play for Adults

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News


Who says you can’t play in church?!?!

Who says you can’t have your own response to scriptures?

Who says you can’t ask questions?

Well, if you’ve ever heard any of that before, you need to check this out. Explore the Bible and “wonder” about its stories at our next session of Godly Play for Adults at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 5th! Interact with hands on, handcrafted resources that bring the stories of our faith alive in a new way. Reflect on fresh telling of traditional stories in new ways. It’s a time to share in a space that is safe. The coffee is hot and the time together is warm! See you there!